Empowering Ethiopian farmers – a successful collaboration between Hazera, JDC and Greenlife

Hazera seeds, together with JDC, the global Jewish humanitarian organization, and its local representative Greenlife, has launched a two-year pilot program in Ethiopia. The project is part of TOV (‘Tikkun Olam Ventures’), JDC’s agricultural development project, that implements innovative agricultural technology (AgTech) to support and advance the businesses of smallholder farmers in developing countries, who currently use traditional farming methods.

Building on JCD’s decades-long and worldwide experience in collaborating with partners and companies such as Hazera, this program has been initiated to aid Ethiopia’s millions of smallholder farmers in increasing their crop yield with the help of AgTech.

Providing the foundation for success

The program started with seven demonstration sites, collaborating with local unions, MOAs and agricultural suppliers. Already in its second year, this collaboration has expanded to dozens of demo sites in targeted areas such as SNNPR, Amhara, and North Shewa to support hundreds of farmers growing tomatoes, onions, and peppers with the use of Israeli drip irrigation and fertilization systems. This technical support leads to enhanced productivity and better lives among the farmers, their families, and wider communities.

Local farmers unions and agribusinesses will also help the farmers get fair prices for their produce in previously untapped markets. TOV successfully managed to create a “Revolving Fund” model, which encourages the unions to adopt directed skillset and gives them the ability to purchase the seeds independently.

Hybrid seeds for a better yield

To achieve success, the JDC and Greenlife teams transfer the cultivational practices and knowledge needed to grow modern hybrid vegetables, with Hazera providing the hybrid seeds suited for the local growing conditions in Ethiopia. The goal of the program is to reach thousands of Ethiopian farmers over the next years.

One of these farmers is Mussa Jemal of Gurage. He shared that “Before partnering with the Greenlife and JDC, I planted local OPV vegetable crops, but since joining the project, I have access to Hazera’s hybrid vegetable seeds and seedlings, including Tomato Galilea, Hot Pepper Serenade Explorer and Onion Russet.”

“On top of these hybrid resources, the project also offers regular technical advice and extension services,” Jemal continued, “I’ve gained knowledge and skills to produce better quality yields by following the recommended agronomic practices and production protocols.”

Jemal proudly noted that based on the crop’s performance in the field, he anticipates a better yield this season.

The power of knowledge

Farmer Awgechew Betere, from Menjar Shenkora of Amhara, describes the importance of the knowledge transfer of the program and how it has helped his business.

“I’m getting regular technical support and extension advice on improving agronomic practices,” he said. “This includes irrigation, monitoring diseases and pests, fertigation, the application of pesticides and staking methods.”

Betere added that “all of this has improved my knowledge and skills in vegetable production. Thanks to the program, I’m sure I will get a better yield and income from the production. Furthermore, many of my neighbors have visited my farm and were motivated to produce hybrid vegetable crops as well next season!”

A fruitful collaboration

“As a leading seeds company in Africa and particularly in Ethiopia, we harness our strength and product portfolio for the good of this enterprise,” said Haggai Breslauer, the Sales Manager for Africa at Hazera. “Supported by our vast experience, we strongly believe that the combination of our added value of higher quality yield and the ability to compete with the challenging growing conditions brings significant advantages to the growers and their communities. This collaboration bears fruits of success, and we are proud to be part of this project!”

Hazera’s International Open Days: Showcasing our global portfolio to our partners & customers worldwide

Hazera’s International Open Days: Showcasing our global portfolio to our partners & customers worldwide

-Visit us & connect your senses-

Warmenhuizen, August 22nd – As Hazera, a leader in vegetable breeding and innovation, we are excited to announce our annual Open Days event. From Tuesday, September 24th to Thursday, September 26th. Growers, chain partners, and industry experts from around the world will converge at Hazera’s field in Warmenhuizen, The Netherlands

We are excited to grow together with you during our International Open Days. Connect your senses and experience our global range of varieties.

Hear our experts talk about our crops in the field and on display. Discover the latest techniques in mechanical planting and harvesting in our demonstrations.

What to Expect:

Open field varieties showcase: Visitors will have the unique opportunity to explore Hazera’s latest vegetable varieties. From all types of cabbages to leek, carrot, sweet corn and lettuce. In collaboration with HM.Clause and Vilmorin- Mikado. These varieties are meticulously developed to address challenges such as disease resistance, storage quality, yield, appearance, and taste. Our commitment to healthy and flavorful vegetables drives our continuous research and improvement efforts.

Innovative concepts: Hazera’s Open Days will unveil innovative vegetable concepts that prioritize taste, health, and ease of use. Notably, the extensive range of our ToBRFV tomato varieties and successful radish portfolio.

Fruited crops assortment: Inside the pavilion, we will showcase our tomato, cucumber and watermelon varieties. Visitors can explore the latest developments and innovations within these crops.

Guided tours and demonstrations:
Our product managers will be offering you guided tours showing you our latest varieties and sharing with you the latest information & insights. There will also be planting and harvesting demonstrations on the demo field in collaboration with Verhoest & Agriplant.

Event Details:
24-25-26 September 2024. From 10.00 – 17.00
Kanaalweg 16 Warmenhuizen, the Netherlands
More information: www.hazera.com/opendays
The International Open Days are organized in collaboration with HM.Clause & Vilmorin-Mikado.

ZiMMan: The Cucumber Champion

Hazera’s Long Cucumber breeding program, initiated around ten years ago, is still relatively new. This makes it even more impressive that at such an early stage of the program, our team was able to breed ZiMMan, a variety that responds exceptionally well to new environmental stress factors like climate change, water salinization, and new plant viruses.

In the ever-evolving field of agriculture, with increased environmental challenges, Hazera needs to produce versatile varieties. ZiMMan is the first variety developed with this in mind. It is a notable addition to the Hazera cucumber portfolio, designed to tackle these challenges, with a main focus on fighting against the new plant viruses, especially CGMMV.


ZiMMan was launched in Spain, a key market for Long Cucumbers. But its adaptability to thrive under hot conditions, high yield, and comprehensive set of resistances (CYSDV, CVYV, CGMMV, Px) make ZiMMan a resilient and reliable choice for growers worldwide.

“The team started to develop ZiMMan around four years ago and within its first commercial year, ZiMMan achieved a 10% market share of the Spanish market in seed quantity. I’m impressed and proud of the team that they were able to achieve this level of success in such a short time with our cucumber breeding.” – Federico Puyo, Product Manager for Long Cucumber.

Moreover, ZiMMan showcases Hazera’s commitment to innovation and excellence, offering several key characteristics that ensure its adaptability to diverse growing conditions and environmental stresses:
Strong Root System: Ensures the plant’s resilience and ability to withstand stress.
Dark Fruit Colour: Indicates a healthy and visually appealing crop.
Plant Structure: Promotes optimal growth and productivity.

With investing the expertise of its team, Hazera is on a journey towards cultivating stronger and more resilient cucumber varieties.

Would you like to learn more about ZiMMan or our cucumber breeding program? Feel free to contact us.

Cabbages: Growing food trend

From wraps to kimchi
Sauerkraut may be on the decline, but its consumption has been stable for years.

The way we eat sauerkraut is changing: from stew to an oven dish, as a side dish, or in a salad. “A new, young target group has discovered the health benefits of fermented products. That gives cabbage a boost.

Large part of cabbage for industry

The majority of red cabbage goes to the processing industry. They end up cut into vegetable packets or pre-cooked in jars. About 70% of white cabbage goes to processing plants and other processors. This is preferably done as soon as possible after harvest, according to Maarten Danenberg, product manager of Hazera. The remaining 30% of the white cabbage in the Netherlands ends up on the shelf in its entirety. That proportion is higher with pointed cabbage, says Danenberg: “Pointed cabbage is easier to cut in your own kitchen. And we’re seeing more and more recipes with half or a quarter of pointed cabbage, pan-fried or grilled on the barbecue.”

Hazera’s pointed cabbages Regency & Dutchman

Pointed cabbage is one of the head cabbages that is clearly growing in volume, Danenberg observes: “Not spectacular; a few percent per year. But that increase has been going on for about twenty years.” The development is coming from the United Kingdom, especially to the Netherlands and Germany.” Popular varieties at Hazera are Regency and Dutchman (for summer cultivation) and Marshal (storage). We also see growth in our flat cabbage varieties like Callaway & Catelya for Central Europe, the Balkans and Turkey.

Brassica breeding is part of Hazera’s heritage

It originated with development of varieties for Western Europe, but today we are a global player with a wide assortment of purpose specific varieties. Our Research and Breeding teams are closely connected to our global network of subsidiaries and distributors, through whom we are in touch with the latest industry trends and preferred requirements within the various Brassica crops.

The snack vegetable radish mix: colourful, healthy, and Best Product of the Year

In the Nederlandse Consumentenverkiezing (Dutch Consumer Election) of 2023-2024, the AH Snack Vegetable Radish Mix, for which Hazera produces and breeds the radish seeds, has been elected as the Best Product of the Year in the category of potatoes, vegetables, and fruit. Dirk-Jan Polak, Crop Specialist in radishes, lamb’s lettuce, and baby carrots, sees the award as a compliment for the entire chain behind this product. “You help people make healthier choices.”

According to Dirk-Jan, the success story of the radish mix begins with genetics. “This ensures that we can continuously deliver high-quality seeds, allowing the grower to produce an excellent final product. Our radishes are beautifully round, have good internal quality, and grow very consistently during different seasons and weather conditions.” As a market leader in radish seeds, seed quality is a top priority at Hazera. “Credit for this goes to the breeders,” says Dirk-Jan. “Through continuous development, we have been able to introduce distinctive radish varieties to the market.”


Unique combination
In addition to genetics and seed quality, it’s the ability to produce radishes in various colors that makes the difference. “Purpella F1 and Whitella F1, purple and white radishes respectively, are the only two colored radish varieties cultivated on a serious scale. And they come from Hazera.” Combined with the well-known red radishes, these colored varieties form the AH Snack Mix. An idea from grower Ortolanda, says Dirk-Jan. “The mix of various colored radishes, sold in top seal packaging, aligns with the growing demand for snack vegetables, Ad Coolbergen, managing director of Ortolanda, explains.


Growing together
“We always keep the consumer in mind, on whose plate our product ultimately ends up. That’s why the collaboration throughout the chain is so important.” Dirk-Jan refers to the cooperation between Hazera, Ortolanda, Bakker Barendrecht (a Greenyard company) and Albert Heijn, from which the award-winning radish mix originated. “Breeding, developing, growing, and marketing these types of products requires craftsmanship.” Ad confirms this. “The successful introduction of a new product in the market requires good chain collaboration, where everyone is on the same page. This way, we can collectively meet the market’s needs and respond to consumer trends.”This has been excellently achieved with the radish mix, says Dirk-Jan. “The trend for 2024 is healthy snacking, where people choose vegetables and fruits instead of candy or chips. This radish mix perfectly addresses this trend, fulfilling two important consumer needs: healthy and convenient snacking.” Ad expects the mix to appeal to an entirely new, mainly younger, target audience. The radishes look appealing, are healthy, and are ready to eat straight from the container. With this product, Albert Heijn makes healthy snacking accessible.” Hazera and Ortolanda are both proud to contribute to this.”


Stay on track
Dirk-Jan is optimistic about the future, both in terms of the product and within the chain collaboration. “Radish is a beautiful vegetable that helps people make healthier choices. The fact that the AH Snack Vegetable Radish Mix has been chosen as the best product is a recognition that, with our breeders and partners, we are on the right path and an encouragement to continue the constant development of such products.”

Want to know more about our business?

Follow us on our social media channels to stay connected with our Hazera people! If you have any questions left, don’t hesitate to ask them via our contact page!

Hazera's new High-tech tomato greenhouse

Cultivating the future: Hazera’s new High-tech tomato greenhouse

Hazera has recently acquired a new high-tech greenhouse next to our headquarters in Made, the Netherlands. According to Yossi Shapiro, Head of R&D, this acquisition marks a significant step in Hazera’s journey to establish a strong position in the high-tech greenhouse tomato industry. He gives insight into the acquisition process, goals in research and development, and what Hazera can offer to the high-tech tomato market.

“Our goal to establish ourselves as one of the leaders in the high-tech tomato market with our mid- to long-term plan, as there is strong competition there”, Yossi says. “This goal was the primary motivation to invest in a state-of-the-art active tomato greenhouse, as you need the best facilities to compete with the best.” Hazera is empowering its tomato portfolio worldwide through the new high-tech tomato project with the strong support of Limagrain’s vegetable seed division. As the largest company in the vegetable seed industry, Limagrain Group has significantly invested in this project.

Hazera's new High-tech tomato greenhouseBackyard transformation
Yossi says multiple options were considered, such as renovating existing facilities or building a greenhouse from scratch. “But the answer was right in our own backyard: to buy an industry-grade, commercial greenhouse operation, that we can readily transform into a research facility with the help of our experts.” André van Zeijl, the previous owner of the greenhouse, has been an independent grower for over 25 years.
He has a lot of experience and will support the transition to a research facility.

With advanced technology and a focus on producing clean seeds through good seed and plant practices (GSPP), Hazera aims to elevate its research capabilities. Another important advantage of acquiring an existing facility, is sustainability. Re-purposing the greenhouse in Made, rather than building a new one, suits Hazera’s strategy of caring for the planet that helps us grow extraordinary seeds. We take our responsibility for the environment very seriously. Hazera has a lot of know-how and experience in breeding high-quality varieties that can be grown with reduced input. It’s great to see that a company like Hazera has such a strong focus on sustainability.

Experts in resistance, yield and taste
When talking about Hazera’s position in the high-tech tomato market, Yossi notes that “We also bring something very valuable to the table: our expertise in developing tomato varieties with strong resistance to diseases, particularly in response to ToBRFV, combined with excellent yield and taste. This can really equip growers to manage their biggest challenges. A great example of this is Pendragon, one of the ToBRFV-resistant varieties that we’ll be growing in the greenhouse. In addition, this greenhouse provides us with the opportunity to further improve yield, fruit quality, and commercial appeal of those varieties, and to implement the innovative techniques and technologies which will increase our efficiency, enhance the R&D outcomes, and accelerate time to market.”

“The Netherlands is the birthplace and center of the global high-tech tomato industry, so it is a natural location for us to launch this program”, Yossi continues. “But the goal of all our efforts is to develop hybrid high-tech tomato varieties to meet the evolving needs of our grower customers, wherever they may be, so they can serve the needs of their customers. When consumers are enjoying tasty and healthfully tomatoes grown from our seeds, we can say that we’ve been successful in our mission.”

A vision for tomorrow
“The heightened level of control and optimization in the high-tech greenhouse environment ensures that we can replicate production conditions under which we want to evaluate the varieties we are developing and advancing. That way, we aim to bring innovation and improvement to high-tech tomato markets around the world.”
“By combining our new active greenhouse research facility in Made, the expertise we have in developing leading tomato varieties, and our experience in customer engagement, we expect to play an important role in the high-tech tomato industry”, Yossi concludes. “There’s an exciting opportunity to grow this part of our business, and it starts with R&D.

Want to know more about our business?

Follow us on our social media channels to stay connected with our Hazera people! If you have any questions left, don’t hesitate to ask them via our contact page!


Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2024

Staay Food Group and Hazera Seeds present new watermelon

Exceed mini watermelon nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2024

The Exceed mini watermelon has been nominated for the 2024 Fruit Logistica Innovation Award, marking a proud moment in the long-standing partnership between Staay Food Group and Hazera. The winner will be announced at Fruit Logistica in Berlin (7-9 February), where Staay will be present to premier the Exceed watermelon.

Mark Loojenga, Marketing Manager at Staay Food Group, and Michal Taraska, Global Value Chain Lead at Hazera, discuss the product, the partnership and what to expect at the Food Logistica.

EXCEED mini watermelon nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2024
Exceeding expectations

According to Mark and Michal, the Exceed watermelon has earned its nomination through a unique combination of qualities that benefits growers, retailers and consumers. “The Exceed watermelon is a durable and eco-friendly variety, with strong resistance to diseases like powdery mildew and has plants that provide multiple harvests. Not only does this make life easier for the grower, but it also requires less fungicides and significantly less water than the production of traditional watermelons”, Mark says. Michal adds that this also helps reduce food waste: “Exceed makes it possible to reduce losses in production and during transport.”

“And due to the variety’s extended shelf-life of over 5-10 days longer than traditional watermelons, this variety displays a long-lasting freshness in both supermarkets and consumer’s homes”, he continues. With its compact, uniform size the Exceed watermelon answers a strongly growing call in the (Northern) European and American markets for smaller watermelons. “The size is suitable for ever smaller households and easy to keep in the fridge. And they’re seedless, which is both a major convenience for consumers and a waste-saver.” Mark adds. “But it’s the taste and color they come back for.” Michal: “The Exceed mini watermelon has a really sweet and crispy taste, as is shown by its above average Brix level.”

Team effort
The Exceed mini watermelon is the latest success in a long-standing collaboration between Staay Food Group and Hazera. “Staay is a strong and dynamic partner, which is key for successfully introducing a new product to the market”, Michal says. He underlines the importance of such a partnership for Hazera. “We can provide the best Formula One car, but we still need a top-class driver to win the race. In Staay Food Group, we’ve found that driver.”

An analogy Mark wholeheartedly agrees with. “Hazera provides top-quality seeds that are perfectly suited for our fields in Costa Rica. And with this newly developed variety, we perfectly reflect the demands of the market; we’re able to grow the right products. The Exceed mini watermelon is another step in our close and fruitful cooperation.”

Premier release at Fruit Logistica Berlin
The premier release of the Exceed mini watermelon for the European market will take place at Fruit Logistica, where Staay Food Group will be present at stand B45 in hall 3.2. “Here, we will also display a selection of other products we grow and offer ourselves,” Mark elaborates. “For the first time we can show our three club varieties of colored pears together: The Red Conference, Early Desire and Dazzling Gold are all exclusively available through Staay Food Group. Secondly, we show our hydroponic lettuces, and finally our wide range of available vine tomatoes. In addition, we will bring special attention to our branch in Venlo, which focusses on the food service industry. This location provides a quite unique service for the German market, where customers can buy products per box instead of per pallet and can combine different products on one pallet. This is ideal for restaurants, who usually don’t need entire pallets of one product.”

The prize-giving ceremony for the innovation award will take place on 9 February 2024, 2.30 p.m. at the FLIA Technology special exhibition area between Halls 1.1 and 2.1. Mark and Michal agree this nomination “shows we are on the right track in our team effort to successfully align the development, cultivation, sales and marketing of excellent and innovative products.”

Staay Food Group B.V.
Mark Loojenga
Marketing Manager
+31 6 13 80 89 81
Hazera Seeds B.V.
Rosaline Hazenbroek
Marcom Specialist
+31 6 28 09 60 68

Staay Food Group
is an international cultivation, sales and marketing organization in fresh fruit and vegetables with a global network; The World is our Garden. Staay Food Group is a family business, founded in 1946. It delivers tailor-made products to customers in retail, wholesale, foodservice and processing.

HAZERA: Growing Together
Hazera’s headquarters are situated in Israel and The Netherlands, with subsidiaries in twelve countries and an extensive distribution network providing services in over 100 additional markets. This worldwide presence enables us to be close to our customers.
Hazera is part of the Limagrain Group, an international agri-business based in France. Being a farmers’ cooperative, the Limagrain Group understands the needs of its customers and has grown to become the largest seed company in Europe, specialising in vegetables, field crops and cereal products. Limagrain’s vegetable seed division is the second largest company in the industry.