How ToBRFV varieties changed the tomato market in Greece

Greece is recognized for its substantial consumption and production of tomatoes, both fresh and processed. This brief explores the transformative impact of Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) resistant varieties on the tomato market, focusing on the pre-existing conditions, the emergence of dominant varieties, their characteristics, benefits, and the broader implications for tomato cultivation.

Let’s see what Petros Karkatselis, General Manager can tell us how the ToBRFV varieties changed the tomato market in Greece.

Market overview prior to ToBRFV resistant varieties
“Before the introduction of the ToBRFV resistant beef tomato varieties, the virus significantly affected the tomato cultivation in Greece. It caused a reduction of approximately 15% in tomato greenhouses cultivation area. This decline was attributed to the virus’s detrimental effects on both yield and fruit quality, prompting growers to shift to alternative crops, such as cucumbers and tomato mini plums, that we saw an increase in the last two years in cultivation area by over 15%.”

Which ones are the dominant varieties in the Greek market?
“Hazera introduced Thireos F1, the first ToBRFV resistant beef tomato variety in Greece, with initial plantings in spring and expanded cultivation into autumn/overwinter periods. The variety has shown promising results, with excellent yield and fruit quality, encouraging repeated cultivation among growers. Similarly, the mini plum tomato variety Lollipop has gained traction for its resistance to ToBRFV, bolstering grower confidence in tomato production free from the virus’s threats.”

What are the main benefits of these varieties?
“Thireos is characterized by a robust and vigorous plant producing large, shiny red beef tomatoes with outstanding taste and quality.
Lollipop is known for its strong plant and high yield, Lollipop produces fruits with exceptional taste and extended shelf life.
These varieties not only outperform older varieties in yield but also offer a resistance package that allows for the cultivation of non-grafted plants, reducing costs significantly.”

How ToBRFV varieties changed the tomato market in Greece

What tomato the growers are looking for today?
“The challenges of pest infestations (Tuta Absoluta), labor costs, and ToBRFV have contributed to a declined tomato cultivation in Greece. Growers are searching for resistant varieties that offer ease of cultivation and high performance to mitigate these threats. The demand for ToBRFV resistant varieties is a testament to the industry’s need for solutions that effectively address both the virus threat and cultivation costs.”

How are the Hazera ToBRFV-resistant varieties perceived in Greece?
“Hazera’s introduction of ToBRFV resistant varieties has been well-received in the market, providing growers with the means to produce high-quality tomatoes while alleviating concerns over virus-related losses. Hazera’s proactive support and knowledge sharing have been instrumental in assisting growers to optimize their cultivation practices and achieve superior results.”

How are Hazera’s efforts recognized?
“Hazera has been breeding resilient and resistant varieties to overcome the challenges in the market for a long time. With its ToBRFV varieties Hazera tackled new challenges and showed its commitment to support growers in difficult situations as well.”

How the ToBRFV varieties work for the growers?
“The introduction of ToBRFV resistant varieties, such as Pendragon, Giubilo, Windsor, Canelo, Lollipop and Thireos, aligns with the concept of “Tomato That Works for You,” emphasizing the synergy between innovative breeding techniques and the practical needs of tomato growers. This approach highlights the industry’s shift towards sustainable and resilient agricultural practices in the face of emerging threats.

In summary, the introduction of Hazera ToBRFV resistant tomato varieties has significantly influenced the Greek tomato market, offering new opportunities for growth, stability, and sustainability in the middle of challenges. Hazera’s contributions, through the development and support of these varieties, have been critical in revitalizing tomato cultivation in Greece, reflecting a commitment to innovation and sustainability in agriculture.”

Would you like to learn more about the market in Greece or have other questions? Contact us!

Press Release: IR ToBRFV varieties in pipeline

Press release
August 2022

Hazera announces varieties with intermediate resistance (IR) to Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) in pipeline

Hazera is proud to announce the launch of our ToBRFV intermediate resistant varieties- the optimal balance between protection and performance– providing the grower an effective tool to face the highly infectious virus, infecting tomato plants, fruit and affecting growers worldwide. The Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus poses a constant threat to growers worldwide, significantly reducing yields, affecting the quality of fruit, and systematically infecting other plants, as it is a very transmittable virus that can infect through soil, tools, water, and people’s contact.

Since ToBRFV hit, Hazera’s R&D team has been working tirelessly to find varieties capable of giving an effective level of ToBRFV resistance without compromising the yield and fruit quality we’ve invested years to perfect. Over the course of several years, Hazera researchers and agronomists invested endless resources to find solutions to address our growers’ needs worldwide. Moreover, according to Alejandro Szechtman, Hazera’s Portfolio Marketing Director, “These efforts included in-depth trials in many locations, under different conditions in a global scale, to confirm that we are able to provide the optimal solutions, with the right balance between performance and ToBRFV protection”.

Hazera is proud to announce a wide ToBRFV resistant variety pipeline worldwide, with which we will be able to tailor-make the optimal solution per market requirement, beginning with Italy, Greece, Spain, Mexico, Turkey, Israel etc’.

Hazera, through Limagrain’s upstream research, contributed to a network of internal and external collaborative discovery projects on ToBRFV using different approaches. This resulted in Limagrain being the first company to file a patent on ToBRFV resistance in tomato in 2017. While the first generation of tomato hybrids resistant to ToBRFV is being commercialized, Limagrain discovery programs continue to work intensively to find resistances against potential emergent more aggressive forms of this devastating virus.

“Our R&D efforts haven’t ended, we’re still investing to achieve higher resistance, and expand our portfolio to the benefit of growers worldwide,” said Szechtman.

Hazera is a global leader in the seed industry. Hazera has headquarters in both the Netherlands and Israel. We operate subsidiaries in 11 countries, together with a distribution network serving over 130 markets. Our partners operate in all kinds of climates, and under diverse growing conditions and market requirements. For over a century, our top priority has been walking alongside them, developing an enormous variety of seeds and providing comprehensive support every step of the way. Hazera’s team of experts works directly with growers to evaluate their needs, assist during variety selection and provide guidance and support throughout the crop cycle.

Hazera is part of the Limagrain Group, an international agri-business based in France. Being a farmers’ cooperative, the Limagrain Group understands the needs of its customers and has grown to become the largest seed company in Europe, specialising in vegetables, field crops and cereal products. Limagrain’s vegetable seed division is the second largest company in the industry.

For more information about ToBRFV, click here

ToBRFV in Tomato Plants

by Dr. Yaniv Rotem – Solanaceae Pathologist, Hazera


General background

The Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus – ToBRFV – is a relatively new viral disease, first appearing in the Middle East in 2014. The disease has since spread rapidly to many other areas in the world, and currently constitutes a major global problem in tomato crop production worldwide.

In Israel, all tomato production areas have been severely affected by ToBRFV, and the effects of the disease are evident both in the tomato greenhouses and fields, and in the quality and appearance of the fruits which are sold.


Symptoms of the disease

As a rule, the symptoms of the disease are similar to the typical symptoms of ToMV, but the severity of the symptoms can differ from that known with ToMV:

  • In the leaves – a mosaic appears, which is particularly noticeable on young leaves and at the growth vertices. In some cases, there is narrowing of the leaflet blade, and in certain cases the leaves become entirely threadlike (“shoestrings”).
  • In the fruit – yellow spots develop which become necrotic at a later stage. In some cases, “chocolate spots” appear on the fruit. In cases of severe damage, the fruit becomes wrinkled and distorted. The virus name (“Brown Rugose Fruit”) was given due to the wrinkled appearance together with the brown spots.
  • Note that in contrast to the characteristic situation when affected by ToMV, in which symptoms generally appear in the fruit only in cases of particularly severe damage to the foliage, in the case of ToBRFV – there is no connection between the severity of damage to the fruit and severity of damage to the foliage: there are situations in which serious damage to the fruit is observed while no symptoms appear on the leaves, or vice versa – cases of severe symptoms in the foliage and lack of symptoms in the fruit.
  • In certain cases – necrosis develops of the calyx of the fruit, the fruit peduncle, and the central spine of the cluster of fruit.
  • When a susceptible variety is infected with ToBRFV, the main damage is a significant weakening of the plant and its capability to produce clusters of fruits over a long season.

In the wake of the viral infection, tomato cultivation in Israel has changed entirely: due to the weakening of the plants, growers currently have almost no possibility to grow tomatoes in a long central season of 9-10 months as was customary before the virus’s appearance; instead, shorter growing seasons of 4-5 months are now customary, intended for harvesting a few clusters only.


Symptoms on leaves – severe mosaic and narrowing of some of the leaf lobes, to the point of appearing “thready”


Severe symptoms in the fruits

Symptoms of necrosis in the calyx, fruit peduncle and the spine of the cluster

Weakening of the plant as a result of viral infection in a susceptible variety (on right) compared to a variety that is largely similar to it but is resistant to the virus (on left).


How is the disease transmitted?

  • ToBRFV is very easily transmitted mechanically – by human contact, by work tools, support wires, or any entity that comes in physical contact with an infected plant or soil that contains the virus and later comes in contact with healthy plants. It is important to remember that particles of this virus are particularly resistant to environmental conditions, and are capable of surviving for long periods in soil or on infected surfaces.
  • Since the virus is capable of surviving in soil for a long period – the virus is also transferred with infected soil that is moved from one place to another (by sticking to shoes, to work tools that are moved from one plot to another, etc.).
  • The virus is transmitted in seeds – a seed produced from an infected plant is likely to carry virus particles on its surface.
  • The virus can also be transmitted by bumble bees, which serve to pollinate during the cultivation process.


Prevention and treatment

  • Since the outbreak of the disease, Hazera together with Limagrain Group have been working on a comprehensive study of the issue, in which tomato varieties with intermediate levels of resistance to the virus were developed. The first patent in the world for resistance to ToBRFV was registered by Limagrain in 2017. Using these varieties provides an optimal solution for growing tomatoes in conditions of infections with ToBRFV, while maintaining the varieties performance.
  • Observing phytosanitary rules is key to preventing the disease:
    • Making sure to have clean clothes, jackets and gloves for those entering the greenhouses.
    • Making sure to sterilize all equipment used.
    • Sterilizing shoes in an immersion pit upon entrance to the greenhouse.
    • Being strict about the order in which buildings are entered – the workday begins with the buildings housing the young, healthy plants and continues to the buildings housing the more mature plants.
  • Plants in which infection is discovered should be immediately removed from the greenhouse, being careful to avoid contact with neighboring plants.
  • Using healthy seeds and seedlings is another key to preventing the disease. Hazera is strict about performing health tests in licensed laboratories, according to international standards and the Plant Protection Services. Checking that seeds are free of ToBRFV is done by the ISHI Protocol, which is the international protocol accepted throughout the world.
  • Being strict about good sanitization – sterilizing the soil or growth medium and the greenhouse space when cultivation is completed.



Hazera’s Official Training Video: Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV)

We are happy to present Hazera’s training video and sanitation guide for dealing with the new ToBRFV virus.

The purpose of this video is to assist growers and farmers to gain a better understanding of the ToBRFV virus, and to share some practical advice and active measures for eradicating the growth of this virus through the use of stringent hygiene and highly effective sanitation. (more…)